Year 1 work

I had planned on Art College after leaving school, but grants and life didn't allow for it. So, having gone through several arty jobs and several non-arty jobs I decided to go it alone as a professional artist, and get my degree to back it up. Wow...

Year 1 leg 1 was certainly an eye-opener. Having already been a practicing artist for over 20 years I was suprised that the system hadn't really changed from when I first looked at Art College.

Our first project was negative space- recognising it and using it.

Most of us were used to small work, A1 was out of the comfort zone so we used charcoal to help loosen up and get a flow...

 For a few weeks we drew, and drew and drew....

My favourite sketch of the term

 At the same time we had a photography project, to learn how to log and record our work and progress. I've been a keen photographer since I got my first 126mm.

Alot of what we did was basic, although we enjoyed the mini projects, in the main.

We also had an external lecturer come in, with some rather unusual ideas about printing. We used a silkscreen to make marks that could just as easily been made with your hand. Sadly as one of my arty jobs was as a technical screenprinter I found his ideas unhelpful and haphazard- I like accuracy in my screens.

Screened background, overworked in paint and pastel.

While we did a reasonable body of work, I must admit very little of it is really worth airing, or remotely interesting. I am sad to say that my external work does not sit well within the remit of our course, and I am thankful that I have space to work on my own pieces simultaneously.

 During the year we also had to submit 2 essays. For someone who hadn't done any research or essay writing since 93, and 82 before that, the thought was horrifying.

Year 2 leg 2 began with a certain amount of  familiarity, we were no longer newbies and had made alliances and friends.